This magical herb is a phenomenon among the herbs in the whole world. It has a very rich content of microelements and a pleasant taste. Mursalski tea:
Grows only in the Balkan Peninsula mountains;
Grows at the altitude of at least 1000m;
Its natural habitats are prohibited from harvesting.
Until recently they have been kept under armed guard funded by UNESCO;
Since 1996, it has been in the Red Book of endangered species of Bulgaria;
It is called “a herb for each and every pain” because of its many beneficial effects on most body functions.
Mursalski tea contains:
Selenium, known to stop the growth of cancer cells;
Calcium, sodium, magnesium, known to stabilize the blood pressure, thus reducing the risk of heart attack and stroke;
Large amounts of flavonoids that make it a powerful antioxidant and an antiviral agent;
Zinc that affects positively the whole urinary tract including prostate, prevents kidney stones formation and helps boosting the libido;
All in all 24 microelements necessary for the human body.